Friday, January 29, 2010

Tygon Tubing Chemical Compatibility and Resistance

Tygon Tubing Chemical Compatibility and Resistance 
There is now a Tygon tubing chemical compatibility and resistance chart available on Click on the link to open a list of hundreds of chemicals in various concentrations.

Find the chemical you want to run through your Tygon tubing, click on your chemical's link and a new window or tab will open displaying the chemical compatibility and resistance ratings of the various formulations of Tygon tubing. You'll be given a simple rating such as Excellent, Good, Fair or Not Recommended to easily determine which Tygon tubing is best to use with your selected chemical.

Once you have determined the formulation of Tygon tubing that is optimal for your chemical compatibility and resistance needs, return to and perform a search for that formulation of Tygon tubing. Now you can select your tubing size requirements for your application and you are ready to purchase!

For example, let's say you have some extra Tygon R-3603 and you're wondering if you can use it to transfer some motor oil. If you click on the Motor Oil link you'll find Tygon R-3603 is Not Recommended, but there a 9 formulations of Tygon tubing rated Excellent including Tygon F-4040-A which is tubing made specifically to handle fuels and lubricants. Come back to, type "Tygon F-4040-A" in the search field in the upper left, hit the Go button and you'll be given the 13 sizes of Tygon F-4040-A that Murdock Industrial carries!