Monday, February 22, 2010

Tygon Tubing Material: What Is Tygon Tubing Made Of?

I try to stay on top of what people are saying on the internet about the products Murdock Industrial sells and one of the most common questions I see is, "What is Tygon tubing made of?" While that's a very good question since the answer will determine what you can do with your Tygon tubing, this question is like walking into a shoe store and saying, "I want to buy Nike shoes." You've whittled your choices down a little bit but there's still plenty more we need to know.

"Tygon" is the brand name of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastic's line of application specific tubing, the same way "Nike" is a brand name. Murdock Industrial distributes 40 different formulation and style combinations of Tygon tubing in 7 base material categories. These Tygon tubing material categories are: Plastic, Silicone, PVC, Polyurethane, Fluoropolymer, Thermoplastic Elastomer and Plasticizer Free.

In future posts I'll go over each of these material categories in detail and outline the features and limitations of each, but for now you can go here for a general overview. If you want to know information about a specific Tygon tubing formulation you can access product PDFs with technical info here.